People argue its OK, because other atrocities are happening worldwide, but they believe Palestinians to be abject, and choose to ignore the fact that most of the 'warriors' against Palestine are actually priviledged westerns from Australia and America, etc, 'finalising' post holocaustic displaced revenge. The greatest sadness of our age is the slaughter of Palestinians, and that is history in the making.
People argue its OK, because other atrocities are happening worldwide, but they believe Palestinians to be abject, and choose to ignore the fact that most of the 'warriors' against Palestine are actually priviledged westerns from Australia and America, etc, 'finalising' post holocaustic displaced revenge. The greatest sadness of our age is the slaughter of Palestinians, and that is history in the making.
Its all true! And what say the artists who suckle from the same empire, and claim to be advocates for social justice?