If you live in Australia, you’ll now be aware that a transcript of a group chat of 600+ zionists has been leaked.
The purpose of this group chat was to plan co-ordinated attacks on Palestinians and their allies, while infiltrating a wide range of institutions and industries with pro-occupation and pro-genocide propaganda.
Having now read the entire transcript, I’ll research and publish a number of posts about specific individuals from this leaked group chat, and the organisations with which they intersect.
I’ll focus particularly on those who impact the creative arts and publishing, the industries in which I work.
But first, a few general comments:
I’m one of the targets of this leaked zionist group chat, and I’m completely unbothered.
I’m happy to be perceived as a threat to such an objectively despicable group of people and I’m honoured to be placed in such good company as the group’s other targets.
The group chat confirms what we already know: zionists are thoroughly racist, thoroughly anti-Indigenous and thoroughly committed to colonialism.
Many of the zionists involved in this leaked group chat are recognisable figures from the creative arts and media, and from a range of other industries. Many hold power or influence within significant organisations or within their professional fields.
The leaked transcript reveals an unscrupulous, insidious and cringeworthy group of individuals who are in fact not delusional but entirely conscious and calculated in their role as propagandists.
Many of the people in this group chat are well-known for their supposed anti-racist and anti-colonial credentials.
This is unsurprising.
We already know that zionists are parasitic upon progressive spaces. It is under the guise of progressivism that zionists launder their genocidal colonialism, while weaponising their influence to amplify occupation propaganda and steer cultural narratives away from Palestinian liberation.
You don’t need any background knowledge about zionism in Australia to see clearly that the leaked group chat’s participants are repulsive, racist and ideologically genocidal.
But to fully contextualise the role that some of these people play in maintaining a nepotistic web of cultural and political influence, it’s helpful to have at least some familiarity with the Schwartzes, Gandels and Besens, and the network of platforms and institutions through which they operate.
Does zionism in Australia really matter?
Australia was amongst the first to ‘recognise’ the ‘legitimacy’ of the illegitimate zionist colony as it was conjured up out of thin air by white supremacists and imposed on stolen Palestinian land. The anzacs participated in the massacre of Palestinians as early as 1918, and Australian soldiers later helped lay the groundwork for the 1948 Nakba.
The Australian state remains an imperialist outpost on stolen land. It continues to support the zionist entity militarily, financially, ideologically, institutionally, diplomatically and culturally.
Australia’s fundamental complicity in the colonisation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine necessitates our opposition to zionism as a matter of urgency. This is essential to transnational liberation struggles.
As the leaked group chat becomes more widely accessible, let’s refrain from pathologising these zionists.
They are not merely ‘unhinged’ or ‘brainwashed’.
They are people who consciously and deliberately work to uphold the conditions of imperialism and colonialism, because they are the material beneficiaries of these conditions.